Monday, 8 February 2016

Female Psychology

NOTE: What you’re about to read is how basic brain development and chemistry relates to core differences between masculine and feminine people. Not, Men and women, but Masculine and Feminine.

Men can masculine or feminine, Women can be masculine or feminine, and they can both be  both. I use the terms Men and Women only for convenience sake, but feel free to replace the word Man with Woman and visa versa. I’m also in no way claiming this is true because it’s something that lies beyond the scope of scientific ‘truth’. I’m just claiming that it’s my perception. If you agree with it, great. Find a way to use it. If you don’t, great. Find an explanation that works for you.

If you’re an average guy, trying his best to get ahead in life — with work, with friends, and with women — you might struggle with last category. For some guys, they struggle because they don’t have basic hygiene standards, for others, their sense of style just puts them too far behind the 8-ball, but for most guys, it’s simply because they don’t make sense.

The logic of completion and functionality that rules a guy’s life just doesn’t seem to apply to the way women think. Why would you go to the bathroom in pairs? Why would you prefer to be with a so-called ‘bad boy’ who cheats on you than a nice guy? How do you manage to spend 1 hour every night on the phone with someone you spent all day with and not get bored?


There’s nothing wrong with women. And there’s nothing confusing either. Understanding women is simple and straight forward. You just have to be able to see what’s going on behind the surface. And when you do, everything makes sense.

So, to give you that knowledge to make understanding women simple and straight forward, I’m going to break it all down for you today.

I’m going to go over the very basic fundamentals and then expand it all out so you can see exactly how this core element effects every area of women’s life and why they don’t make sense to you.

So lets start with the basics.

I was going to write it out for you, step by step, but seeing as it’s already covered in Endgame, I’ve just copied and pasted three relevant sections for you.

Obviously, all three of these quotes are taken out of context and are missing large sections of supporting information.

If you want to get a full understanding of these concepts, how they relate to meeting and attracting women, and how you can use them to become the Man of your dreams, check out Endgame here.

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